What We Expect from You:
No racism, profanity, or otherwise explicit content
Do not dox or excessively harass other members
Please report rule breakers
tl;dr be a decent human being.
Expectations can be viewed ingame with /rules or in Discord #rules
What You can Expect from Us:
Rules for players also apply to staff
Staff are obliged to transparently explain anything regarding server/administration when asked
Admins may not use creative or any other "special" abilities for their ingame/personal benefit
If you witness players doing something they shouldn't, use /mail admin or post it on Discord
If you witness staff doing something they shouldn't, report directly to me: @EvModder
Disciplinary action:
Punishments are usually in the form of a mute or tempban, based on the type and severity of the offense, as determined at the discretion of the moderators. If a punishment seems excessive or unjust, please make an appeal to @EvModder.